January 2022 Recap and Favorites

The beginning of the year is always exciting, but I wanted to coast into it and it also helps that January is the slowest month. I spent the first part of January not at my 100%, but I was able to get some much-needed rest and reset my space. My goal is to get my home organized and decluttered by the end of March.

A new show that I’ve started is The Gilded Age on HBO. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I am really enjoying it. Old money vs. new money is an American tale as old as time. I’m enjoying the costume design and the telling of the upbringing of New York City.

Of course, I’ve been watching the latest season of Euphoria. Mess. I do appreciate the discussion that stems from the show especially when it comes to understanding the various “looks” of addiction and people learning to be emphatic towards people who are battling addiction. I also started The Righteous Gemstones which is filmed right in North Charleston, South Carolina. Holy Mess. I haven’t finished the first season yet, but I enjoy the comedic relief mixed in with the Lowcountry drama.

I love listening to all types of music from various dramas. One Sunday, I was setting up my sewing machines to work on a project and I decided to play “Be My Baby” by The Ronettes on repeat. That Wednesday, I got the news that Ronnie Spector passed away. I have always loved the role black women have played in rock music and style; I even did a video on it. I love listening to music and tracing back its influencers and noticing where it’s referenced in newer songs. For instance, “Good Morning Baltimore” from Hairspray as well as other aspects of the Broadway musical are directly inspired by Ronnie Spector and The Ronettes. Amy Winehouse, one of my favorites, was also inspired by the girl group. I’m excited to see Zendaya play Ronnie in the biopic.

For me, this is my year of enjoying life and having fun. My plan is to experience more of Charleston, SC, and the southeastern coastline while I’m still living in the area. I want to document my life more through photographs and I’m planning to get a film camera. I want to take on a hobby and learn something new without monetizing it so I will be taking an acting class. My goal for that is just to audition for a role at the end of it. I think acting will help me build more confidence, learn how to “fake it ‘til I make it”, be more expressive, and have more fun.

It’s the year of me and I’m excited.

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